Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I just receive an email from PETA with heading

Help keep neglected dogs out of the cold

Dear Joshua,
Right now, a neglected dog sits shivering in a trash-strewn back yard, exposed to the cold, the snow, and the freezing rain. This sad animal, like thousands of others, has only one hope to make it through the winter: your support of PETA's "Angel for Animals" program. You can help a cold and neglected dog by becoming a PETA "Angel for Animals" doghouse sponsor today. A PETA fieldworker never knows what he or she will find when responding to a call. In recent months, we met Killian, a black lab and pit bull mix originally named "Killer," who was just 8 weeks old when we found him living in a trailer park, his ear ripped and bloody. We pleaded with his owner to let us take him for medical attention. He finally agreed, but only on the condition that we bring "Killer" back. In addition to fixing his injured ear, our medical staff treated him for worms, fleas, and ticks. Killian lived with PETA staff member Heather for a month or so while he healed. We tried to convince Killian's owner to let him live with Heather permanently, but even though it was clear that he cared nothing for Killian and considered the puppy a possession, he refused. Returning Killian to his owner was one of the hardest things we've had to do, but while he was living there, dedicated PETA fieldworkers kept a close eye on his well-being. Thankfully, a few months later, Killian's owner no longer wanted him and agreed to sign him over to PETA. Today—after another trip to the veterinarian, a neuter surgery, and removal of thousands of ticks—Killian lives with Heather and is the happiest and healthiest he has been in his whole life. Of course, adoption is not always an option. Many times, a dog's guardian won't give up the animal yet refuses to allow the dog inside the house. That's when PETA does everything we can to improve the quality of the animal's life, often by building him or her a sturdy doghouse filled with warm straw bedding. Our doghouses are built to last—they give a backyard dog a place to curl up for years. Support for PETA's "Angel for Animals" program this winter alone can help us build and deliver 200 doghouses over the coming months. But there are still many more dogs in desperate need of your help with the bitter cold on the way. So I hope that you will step up for one of these poor animals by sponsoring a doghouse right now. Please help us provide a doghouse to a forgotten and ignored dog who is facing months outside in the freezing cold, wind, and rain. You'll get no better feeling this holiday season than by improving the life of a needy animal. Thank you for helping us keep neglected dogs out of the cold. Kind regards, Ingrid E. NewkirkPresidentP.S. This holiday season, I urge you to consider giving a needy dog the gift of medical care and a solid roof over his or her head. Please be an Angel for Animals by sponsoring a PETA doghouse today. For a lonely dog facing the winter chained outside in the cold, your generosity can mean the difference between life and death. Any amount that you can spare will help.

I posted this message on my blog for the others. I want to share how much I love dogs and I know most of you too.

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